Thursday 31 October 2013


So, where to begin?
Cape Town - it is my home. Lucky, right?? I am a born and bred Capetonian and extremely proud of it.
I am eighteen and currently writing my Matric final exams. Matric is the final year of high school in South Africa - also known as Grade 12. I suddenly had a urge to start this blog - dont ask me why? I mean its not like these final exams determine my future or something?
I actually decided to start this blog because, after my final exams, I will be embarking on the adventures of a two-month long summer/Christmas holiday. I am hoping that this blog will force me to do fun things that I can blog about... you know... interesting things.Things that one probably wouldn't do every day.
My aim on this blog is to eventually find my niche - but for now I'll be blogging about anything and everything interesting that I do in my day/things that are on my mind/articles that I find interesting that might interest you too.
I look forward to sharing some fun times on this blog! 
See ya, Kirst!